ODESZA Music video DVD cover

ODESZA Music video DVD cover

Sunday 24 April 2016

Our Final Production

This is our finished music video overall very proud of it, we have had to sacrifice multiple scenes to get it to fit we the song but I believe we cooked up the correct formulae. Thank you and enjoy


Friday 22 April 2016

Question 4: Technology Used

To answer question 4 I decided to make do a commentary this way we are able to explain the technologies we used easier.


Question 3 : Audience Feedback

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

To answer this question I have decided to do it in blog form as its easier to get the information out into a post. To gather information from our audience I decided to do a questionnaire (very original I know). I felt a questionnaire was an easy way to get a good sample size to give me feedback on my music video.  Below is what questions I decided to ask:

The questions were: 
  1. What do you believe the music video is trying to express?
    Please write here:
  2. What is your opinion on the costume? 
  3. Do you think that the CD Cover and Poster represents the narrative of the music video (nature versus urban)?
  4. Do you agree with the locations used ?
  5. How relate-able was the character out of 10?
For the first question a lot of people answered loneliness which was one of the things we were originally going to try and achieve. Only a few got the contrast between nature and urban area which is what we were aiming to achieve. This shows that we should have brought much more emphasis on the contrast.What learnt from the feedback was that the costume we designed worked effectively to stand out and made the production visually interesting. People believe that my poster and CD cover definitely showed the narrative and it became clearer after watching the music video and looking back. Most people liked the fact they could recognise the urban locations and not no the countryside locations as they felt this reinforced the narrative. The people I asked generally did not see the character as a relatable character which is a shame as we used the mask so the viewer could immerse themselves in the music video. The reckons to rectify this we would need show more of the character and maybe show more interaction with the environment within the scene. 

Question 2: Ancillary Texts

Question 2 from Jordan Bunning

Due to formatting issues the last slide has been unevenly cropped. It reads just toget my view across that we have a disregard for nature.

Question 1: Conventions

For question 1 I have decided to use a prezi to show how we used conventions and how we have challenged others.

Friday 8 April 2016

Ancillary Text: Poster

I decided to do a poster for my second ancillary text. A poster I felt was much easier to portray story and entice viewers as its a simple thing to take in making very effective. Condensing information is very important as studies show that people have a 7 second attention span when passively taking in information. This makes a poster more likely to entice viewers as it's just one image with small amount of text making it quick to process the whole thing. You can see the poster below.